2. The idea of hate or malice is mental poison. Do not think of someone else's badness, because doing so is a bad thought of yourself. You are the only one in your universe, and your thoughts are creative.
3. Your brain is a creative medium; So you are thinking about what you think and feel about the other person in your own experience. This is the psychological meaning of the golden rule. As you want others to think about you, in the same way, you think about them.
4. Cheating or cheating someone else is to create losses, losses, and limitations for yourself. Your subconscious mind keeps a record of your inner motivations, thoughts, and feelings. When these are negative, then there are many ways in which there are losses, limitations, and sufferings. What you do with others is what you are doing with yourself.
5. Do good to you, show kindness, love you, multiply, and return to you in many ways.
6. You are responsible for the way you think about the other. Remember, the other person is not responsible for the way you think. Your thoughts give the same results. What are you thinking about the other person right now?
7. Be emotionally mature and allow other people to have differences. They have the complete right to disagree with you and you also have complete freedom to disagree with them. You can also disagree without any differences.
8. Like animals, people also take the vibrations of fear. Your hidden thoughts are actually revealed by your voice, facial expressions, and language. It is right for both positive and negative thoughts.
9. The inner language of your silent thoughts and feelings is experienced in the reactions of others.
10. Expect the same for others, which you do for yourself. This is the key to goodwill human relations.
11. Change your concept and opinion towards your boss. Feel and know that he is practicing the rule of the golden rule and love. He will react in the same manner.
12. The other person can not tease you until you allow him to do this. Your idea is creative; You can boast the other person. If someone calls you with a derogatory name, then you have the freedom to answer, "Peace of God will fill your soul."
13. Love is the answer to harmonize with others. Love is understanding, goodwill, and respect for the divine part contained in human beings.
14. Have compassion and understanding towards those whose negative conditioning has made them difficult and unpleasant. The divine spark is also within them because it is within everyone. Understanding everyone is to forgive everyone.
15. Be happy with the success, promotion, and happiness of others. By doing this you attract good luck to you.
16. Never bow down before anyone's emotional flicks and drama. Pleasure never wins. Do not get trapped. Stand firm on the right thing. Stand on your ideas and do not forget that the mental attitude that gives you peace, happiness, and happiness, that is the auspicious, correct and true. Who gives you a boon, he blasts everything.
17. You only have to give love to every person in this world. Love means the same desire for everyone, which you do for yourself - the health, the happiness and all the animals of life.
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