Sunday, September 16, 2018

Your Habitual Thinking.

1. Your subconscious mind is a recording machine, which creates your habitual thinking. By considering the good of others, you are actually thinking of yourself.

2. The idea of hate or malice is mental poison. Do not think of someone else's badness, because doing so is a bad thought of yourself. You are the only one in your universe, and your thoughts are creative.

3. Your brain is a creative medium; So you are thinking about what you think and feel about the other person in your own experience. This is the psychological meaning of the golden rule. As you want others to think about you, in the same way, you think about them.

4. Cheating or cheating someone else is to create losses, losses, and limitations for yourself. Your subconscious mind keeps a record of your inner motivations, thoughts, and feelings. When these are negative, then there are many ways in which there are losses, limitations, and sufferings. What you do with others is what you are doing with yourself.

 5. Do good to you, show kindness, love you, multiply, and return to you in many ways.

6. You are responsible for the way you think about the other. Remember, the other person is not responsible for the way you think. Your thoughts give the same results. What are you thinking about the other person right now?

7. Be emotionally mature and allow other people to have differences. They have the complete right to disagree with you and you also have complete freedom to disagree with them. You can also disagree without any differences.

8. Like animals, people also take the vibrations of fear. Your hidden thoughts are actually revealed by your voice, facial expressions, and language. It is right for both positive and negative thoughts.

9. The inner language of your silent thoughts and feelings is experienced in the reactions of others.

10. Expect the same for others, which you do for yourself. This is the key to goodwill human relations.

11. Change your concept and opinion towards your boss. Feel and know that he is practicing the rule of the golden rule and love. He will react in the same manner.

12. The other person can not tease you until you allow him to do this. Your idea is creative; You can boast the other person. If someone calls you with a derogatory name, then you have the freedom to answer, "Peace of God will fill your soul."

13. Love is the answer to harmonize with others. Love is understanding, goodwill, and respect for the divine part contained in human beings.

14. Have compassion and understanding towards those whose negative conditioning has made them difficult and unpleasant. The divine spark is also within them because it is within everyone. Understanding everyone is to forgive everyone.

15. Be happy with the success, promotion, and happiness of others. By doing this you attract good luck to you.

16. Never bow down before anyone's emotional flicks and drama. Pleasure never wins. Do not get trapped. Stand firm on the right thing. Stand on your ideas and do not forget that the mental attitude that gives you peace, happiness, and happiness, that is the auspicious, correct and true. Who gives you a boon, he blasts everything.

17. You only have to give love to every person in this world. Love means the same desire for everyone, which you do for yourself - the health, the happiness and all the animals of life.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Benefits of Yoga for Health and Fitness

Skeletal and Muscle System: It is a known fact that every form of exercise strengthens bones and muscles. Yoga is no different. The movement of your limbs, strong or controlled, relieves the muscle joints and increases flexibility. Asanas relieve muscle spasms or accidental pain. As you put these asanas into practice for a long time, your physical strength and stamina gradually increase. However, if you have suffered from an accident or are suffering from an internal illness, it is highly recommended that you seek the advice of your doctor or your yoga teacher.
Digestive System: True, yoga improves the function of your digestive system. All of these abdominal exercises not only burn belly fat but also give a gentle massage to your digestive tract to accelerate your metabolism for proper digestion.
Cardiovascular system: Yogic asanas improve blood flow to the heart and arteries, allowing good circulation throughout the body. It is also believed that regular yoga keeps high blood pressure under control.
Nervous System: Not only good for your physical system, practicing yoga regularly allows enough blood and oxygen to reach your brain. Focused breathing also controls your mental functions, keeping you away from stress and anxiety.
Also, keep in mind that there is no specific age for practicing yoga. Yoga poses for health can be light-hearted as well as hardcore. Yoga ranges from asanas to pranayama. While the asanas involve body movements, the pranayama is mostly calm and relaxing the mind. Regularly practicing yoga in young and old not only improves your physicality but also relaxes your mental system and keeps you fit enough to handle situations with ease can.
Yoga for body fitness:
A graceful, perfectly toned body is the dream of every girl. What could be better than wearing clothes on an hourglass figure and letting others go green with envy? Let us learn some yoga movements that will give you a perfectly toned body.
1. Paschimottanasana pose (flexion-knee-trunk flexion):
  • Sit in a yoga mat with outstretched legs in front of you. Do not bend your knees and keep your palms on the floor next to your hips.
  • Take a deep breath and stretch your spine.
  • As you exhale, lean forward to touch your toes with your fingers.
  • If you follow the correct posture, your face should be on your knees. If you are a beginner, bend as much as possible and if you have problems, you can even bend your knees slightly.
  • Take a few normal breaths and with a deep inhalation, sit upright and straighten your spine. Drop your hands and hold them by your side.
  • Repeat 5 more times with the same breath.
2. Dhanurasana (bow attitude):
  • Lie down with your stomach on the floor. Your chin should touch the ground.
  • Keep your hands up with your palms.
  • Your legs should be 6 inches apart.
  • Bend your legs on your knees and bring your heels close to your hips.
  • Now grab the ankles with both hands.
  • Slowly lift chin, head, and neck backward. Your breast should still be on the ground.
  • Now take a deep breath and lift your legs, thighs, chest until only your stomach touches the ground. Balance only on the stomach.
  • Pull your legs as far as possible with your hands to bend your body completely in the shape of a bow.
  • Bring your feet together.
  • Now look up and look at a point on the ceiling.
  • This is your final position. Hold your breath in this position.
  • If you strain your back, exhale completely and return to your original position.
3. Urdhava Hastotanasana:
  • Want a slim and attractive waist? This is a good stretching asana that not only gives you a slim waist, but also a wide chest. Here's how it's done.
  • Stand upright with your feet together. Raise your hands in a Namaste over the head.
  • Now keep your legs grounded, bend your body as far to the right as possible, until you strain your left waist. Stay 15 seconds.
  • Return to the original position.
  • Turn left now. Keep this position for another 15 seconds.
  • Slowly you can increase the hold time to 30 seconds.
4. Baddha Konasana (Cobbler Pose):
A perfect asana to shape your thighs and buttocks. With the regular practice of this yoga fit for the body, be ready to showcase slender thighs in your mini dresses.
  • Sit with your back straight on your yoga mat.
  • Bend your legs at the knees and the edges of the soles of your feet touch each other. The heels should touch your inner thigh.
  • Now grab the ankles on your legs.
  • If you breathe deeply, stretch your spine and pull your shoulder blades backward.
  • Exhale and squeeze the soles together.
  • Keep this attitude as long as you can breathe comfortably.
  • If possible, bend forward from the waist to touch the chin on the floor.

Yoga Steps | Yoga Daily | Yoga Benefit

Yoga in the morning is amazing! After 7-8 hours (hopefully) of shut-eye, our body responds affectionately to movement, and our mind is clear and receptive to positive ideas and messages. Our breath is ready for us to deepen and expand its potency, and our energy is just waiting to be stirred up after a long siesta.http://www.rishikeshnathyogshala...

There are countless asanas and awesome yoga poses that all have amazing benefits, so I actually found it really challenging to pick a list of 10. Those I’ve chosen are perhaps not overly traditional (my list is missing most of the classical floor postures), but I like to adapt my practice to suit my modern day lifestyle.

So here are my current favorites for an early day practice and the reasons why.
There are several variations to this sequence of postures known as a salute to the sun. They’re traditionally practiced as the sun is rising, and whichever version of Surya Namaskar you practice, they’re a great way to warm up and start to sync movement of the body with the flow of the breath.200 Hours Multi-Style Yoga Teacher Training India - Rishikesh Nath Yogshala
As they work all of the 7 major chakras, they’ll help you light up energetically and the rhythmic movement can help create a sense of inner calm.
It’s most commonly called Chair Pose, which kinda suggests something comfortable and relaxing. Personally, I think it’s more appropriate to use one Utkatasana’s other translations, Thunderbolt, Fierce Pose or Awkward Pose.200 Hours Multi-Style Yoga Teacher Training India - Rishikesh Nath Yogshala
Call it what you will, Utkatasana is an amazing way to generate heat in the body and quickly build energy. It activates the core and the legs and challenges your mind to stay present and positive, all great benefits for a morning practice.
I mean, if you’re going to go to all the trouble of sitting down in your not-so-comfy Chair, you might as well get the twisting benefits of the revolved variation right?! Twisting poses have a squeeze and release effect on your digestive system and internal organs so they help promote detoxification. And on that note, I’d hold off on breakfast until after your practice if you plan on getting twisty…
If you only have time for one in the morning, I’d make it this one. The whole body’s involved so it’s a great way to wake up every part of your physique. That beautiful stretch through the backs of the legs and hips just feels incredible. It’s little wonder our canine friends do this one naturally when they wake up…
I’ve got a problematic psoas muscle that likes to grip and shorten any chance it can get, so Anjaneyasana is like a bubble bath for my hip flexors. You get that lovely open stretchy feeling through the hips, arms, and torso, and it also builds strength in the legs.200 Hours Multi-Style Yoga Teacher Training India - Rishikesh Nath Yogshala
A really nice morning variation is to interlace the fingers behind the lower back and gently drawing the hands away to open the chest and heart space.
One of the classic yoga asanas, Trikonasana helps to give you a strong sense of grounding and stability through activating and balancing the root chakra, Muladhara. It powers up the legs and core, and the subtle twist allows you to open and light up the heart space. Beautiful.
I feel like I’m taking an energetic multivitamin when I spend 30 seconds in Warrior 3! It activates the legs, the core and fires up Manipura, the solar plexus chakra encouraging feelings of confidence, determination, and willpower.200 Hours Multi-Style Yoga Teacher Training India - Rishikesh Nath Yogshala
Of course, those qualities are awesome at any time of the day, but a dose in the morning means we can approach our work and daily activities with a true sense of inner strength.
Ah, an opportunity to find a few moments of grace on the mat. I’ve added it to the list for two reasons. Firstly, the backbend opens the heart space and creates a surge of beautiful energy and secondly, because it’s a balance it encourages equilibrium in both the body and the mind.
I prefer this wide-legged forward fold to Uttanasana in the morning because it seems to feel better in my body, but of course, both are great options. You’ve got glorious lengthening in the spine, a stretch through the hamstrings, and the effects of the inversion help you face the day with calmness and clarity. There are 3 variations of Prasarita Padottanasana, you could do all, or pick one that works best for your body.
Ardha Matsyendrasana is one of the classic yoga asanas for a good reason. Like all twisting postures, it promotes a healthy spine. It also helps stimulate the internal organs, promoting healthy digestion and encouraging detoxification. Another pose to do before breakfast.200 Hours Multi-Style Yoga Teacher Training India - Rishikesh Nath Yogshala

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Foods are Highest in Vitamins

Health good In vitamins Highest vitamins in Food Fish, Leafy Greens, Seeds, Broccoli, Pork, Beef and Lamb, Mushrooms, Nuts, Eggs, Bell Peppers, Avocadoes, Tropical Fruits

Top 12 Food Are Highest Vitamins.

  • Fish
Fish represents a healthy part of a balanced and nutritious diet. For people in coastal regions fish is a staple diet and a source of lean animal protein and provide with building block nutrients that maintain human tissues. Fish is also a source of healthy omega 3 fatty acids that regulate blood cholesterol and support brain function.
In addition, fish contains a number of vitamins and minerals. Important vitamins are A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, D and E. Among all fish tuna and trout provide the most vitamins.

  • Leafy Greens

Dark green leafy vegetables include kale, mustard greens, spinach, and romaine lettuce. These greens are easy to incorporate into salads, soups, vegetables (cooked or stir-fried) and offer a number of health benefits. It is said that the darker the greens, more are the nutrients present. Green leafy vegetables are healthy choices as they contain no cholesterol and are low in sodium. Leafy greens are rich in iron, calcium, phytonutrients and most of the vitamins.
Dark leafy greens contain 8 of 14 essential vitamins namely A, B2, B3, B6, B9, C, E, K, and beta-carotene.

  • Seeds

Keep sunflower seeds on the top of your list when talking about boosting nutrients in dishes. A 1 ounce serving of sunflower seeds contains half of an adult’s recommended daily allowance of Vitamin E which plays an important role in boosting immunity. A serving also contains 17 percent of the RDA of Vitamin B folate.
Seeds like flax seeds also contain 6 essential vitamins namely B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and E. Apart from this seeds are also a good source of iron, zinc, dietary fiber, and heart-healthy fats and proteins.

  • Broccoli

To maximize broccoli’s already nutritional punch, look for dark green bunches with firm stalks and florets with purple and blue tinge which have higher vitamin content than rubbery yellow bunches. Frozen broccoli has 35 percent more beta-carotene than fresh broccoli because of the removal of stalks but freezing takes away more vitamins and minerals. Boiling broccoli reduces its vitamin content than steaming, sautéing or microwaving it.
Broccoli is rich in Vitamin A, B9, C, E, K, and beta-carotene. Other nutritious cruciferous vegetables of the same nutrition include Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and cauliflower.

  • Pork

Pork is the meat of domestic pig and is commonly consumed as red meat worldwide. It is often eaten unprocessed but cured pork products like smoked pork, ham, bacon, and sausages are also available. Being high in protein and rich in vitamins, lean pork can be an excellent addition to the healthy diet.
Vitamins in pork include Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, B12 and D. Good cuts of pork include pork chops (loin) and shoulder.

  • Beef and Lamb

Lamb is a type of red meat that comes from young sheep. Not only it is a rich source of Grade 1 protein, it is also an outstanding source of iron, zinc, and vitamins. On the other hand, beef is categorized as red meat of cattle and contains a higher amount of iron than fish or chicken. Fresh lean beef is rich in various vitamins namely Vitamin B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, and B12. To reduce calories leaner cuts of beef and lamb are recommended.

  • Mushrooms

Mushrooms provide many nutrients that help our body stay healthy. They come in many varieties namely white button, Portobello, and shitake. Mushrooms can be grilled, roasted and sautéed.
Mushrooms are rich in Vitamin B2, B3, B5 and D. They are highly nutritious as they are low in carbs and calories.

  • Nuts

Make your small hunger pangs nutritious by going with the trail mix of nuts instead of chips and crackers. Nuts are a part of a healthy diet. They are a good source of healthy fats that reduce the accumulation of cholesterol in the body and promote heart health. Apart from this nuts are rich in various vitamins and minerals that improve the overall health.
Nuts contain Vitamin B1, B2, B6, and E. Try to have 1-2 handfuls a day, however, do not overload them. Include them in your recipes for the crunch. Good choices for nuts include almonds and walnuts.

  • Eggs

As a part of the balanced diet, chicken eggs are nutritious and a complete meal. Whether fried, scrambled, boiled or poached they are perfect breakfast meal. They provide the same nutrients that meat does. A single large egg provides significant amounts of several vitamins and minerals.
Major vitamins include B2, B5, B12, and D. While eggs are considered heart-healthy, the yolk part is high in cholesterol. No more than 2 per day are just sufficient for complete vitamin nutrition.

  • Bell Peppers

Bell peppers provide more than just color and crunch to the dishes. These vibrant vegetables are rich in nutrients like fiber and antioxidants. Available throughout the year they are easily purchased and prepared in a number of dishes. Bell peppers come in green as well as the ripened version that turn red, yellow, orange and purple-brown. They are low in calorie yet nutrient dense.
Major vitamins present in them are Vitamin A, C, beta-carotene, and lycopene. Bell peppers are highest in Vitamin C. colorful bell peppers contain higher amounts of beta-carotene and lycopene.

  • Avocadoes

It is the fattiest of the fruit, not in looks but in content. The fat that this fruit supply help reduces both cholesterol and LDL or bad cholesterol levels. Avocado is cholesterol and sodium free and 1 cup provides 10 gm dietary fiber, 12.5 gm carbohydrates, and 3 gm protein. They are an excellent source of potassium and magnesium and they supply a variety of essential vitamins.
The vitamins include Vitamin B5, B6, B9 and E. Choose unblemished firm fruit that yields slightly to pressure. 1 small avocado a day is enough for vitamin need.

  • Tropical Fruits

Tropical fruits are available in all regions and easy to purchase. They are colorful and loaded with the variety of nutrients including fiber and antioxidants. However, fruits are rich in sugar and hence care must be taken to consume them especially in diabetics. Yet their role in providing some of the essential vitamins and minerals cannot be neglected.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Healthy Diet To Maintain A Healthy Immune System

It takes more than an apple a day to keep the specialist away Healthy Diet To Maintain A Healthy Immune System. Things being what they are eating some entirely astonishing supplements will help keep your insusceptible framework on guard. You can guarantee your body and ensure run easily by adjusting your plate with a lot of bright servings of products of the soil, in addition to 8 to 10 glasses of water a day, in any event. Plan your meal in such a way that it includes these meals which are as follows-
  1. 1) Yogurt- Look for yogurts that have "live and active cultures".These cultures help to stimulate your immune system and help fight diseases. Yogurt can also be a great source of vitamin D. Vitamin D helps regulate the immune system and it helps to boost our body’s natural defenses against diseases.
2) Garlic-Garlic contains an active ingredient allicin, which fights infection and bacteria. Ginger may also help decrease nausea. While it's used in many sweet desserts, ginger packs some heat in the form of gingerol, a relative of capsaicin.
3) Spinach-Spinach is packed with numerous antioxidants and beta-carotene, which may increase the infection-fighting ability of our immune systems. Spinach is healthiest when it is cooked as little as possible so that it retains its nutrients.
4) Broccoli- Broccoli is rich in vitamins and minerals. Packed with vitamins A, C, and E, as well as many other antioxidants and fiber, broccoli is one of the healthiest vegetables you can put on your table.
5) Tea- People who drank 5 cups a day of black tea for 2 weeks had 10 times more virus-fighting interferon in their blood than others who drank a placebo hot drink, in a Harvard study. The amino acid that's responsible for this immune boost.
6) Kiwi-kiwis are full of a ton of essential nutrients, including potassium, vitamin K, and vitamin C. Vitamin C helps to boosts white blood cells to fight infection, while other nutrients of Kiwi keep the rest of your body functioning properly.
7) Almonds- Vitamin E is key to a healthy immune system. It’s a fat-soluble vitamin, meaning it requires the presence of fat to be absorbed properly. Nuts, such as almonds, are packed with the vitamin and also have healthy fats. A half-cup serving, which is about 46 whole, shelled almonds, provides nearly 100 percent of the recommended daily amount of vitamin E.
8) Red bell peppers- If you think citrus fruits have the most vitamin C of any fruit or vegetable, think again. Ounce for ounce, red bell peppers contain twice as much vitamin C as citrus. They’re also a rich source of beta-carotene. Besides boosting your immune system, vitamin C may help maintain healthy skin. Beta-carotene helps keep your eyes and skin healthy.
Healthy food keeps you fit and strong and helps you to fight diseases.
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How can one Reduce Belly Fat at Home without any Equipment

It is a normal Reduce Belly Fat at Home without any Equipment fact that you need to keep a close check on your calorie intake when trying to lose weight. You lose weight by consuming less and burning more. Anything in excess will dent your weight loss journey.
Keeping a close look on your calorie intake, you can take the following steps to get rid of your belly fat:
Consume High Protein Foods
In order to get rid of belly fat, shit to a high protein diet. Several studies have supported the fact that a high protein diet is very effective when it comes to losing and especially losing belly fat.
However, it is again important to keep a close check on your calorie intake. You have so many choices available it comes to foods enriched with protein content. Things such as eggs, chicken breast, leafy green vegetables, red beans, oatmeal and etc are highly enriched with protein.
You can easily add them to your daily routine and enjoy a healthy diet. Some studies have also supported the fact that if high protein diet consumed for a prolonged period of time, it can really help in avoiding weight gain in the future.
Eat Fiber Rich Foods
Adding fiber-rich foods can also give a great boost to your weight loss journey. Foods enriched with fiber especially soluble fiber can help in the improvement of the digestive system which in return can help in proper absorption of nutrients to the body.
If the body absorbs nutrients properly, it can induce a prolonged feeling of fullness so you keep feeling full for a longer period of time. This can really help in avoiding surplus intake of calories.
Best sources of soluble fiber are leafy green vegetables and fruits. You can get soluble fiber from other different sources but it is important to make leafy green vegetables and fruits a good portion of your daily diet.
Get Rid of Refined Carbs
In order to get rid of belly fat, it is important that you get rid of refined carbs from your diet right away. Intake of carbs can result into increased appetite, so it is important to get rid of them if you want to keep a close check on your calorie intake.
Some studies have also supported the fact that low carb diets lead to quick yet effective results as compared to low-fat diets.
Things such as candies, white bread and etc should be avoided. However, keep in mind to keep protein intake high when cutting carbs from your diet.
Get Rid of Sugar from Your Diet
When you consume sugar in an excessive amount, your liver gets overloaded with fructose which can turn into fat.
Apart from this, a high intake of sugar has adverse effects on metabolic health. Slowed metabolism can only lead to slowed weight loss process and other health-related concerns.
So, it is important to get rid of sugar from your diet especially liquid sugar which is primarily found in sugar-sweetened beverages, fruit juices and etc.
It is advisable to go for whole fruits as whole fruits contain natural sugar and high amount of soluble fiber which eliminates the negative effects of fructose.
Add Weight Loss Drink to Your Daily Routine
So many people overlook the importance of adding weight loss drink to their daily diet. You see, in order to lose weight you need to get rid of all the unhealthy drinks from your diets such as Alcohol, carbonated drinks, energy sports drinks and etc.
You can easily replace them with some healthier options. You have so many options available when it comes to weight loss drinks. Drinks such as apple cider vinegar, green tea, rooibos tea or red tea and etc can prove so much beneficial.
Rooibos tea or red tea is a great option to consider in this regard. It is a powerhouse of anti-oxidants plus, it can help in suppressing appetite and reducing hunger cravings so that you can remain focused on your limited calorie intake.
No Exercise, No Result
While trying to lose belly fat, you just cannot overlook the importance of adding a well-organized exercise regime. By following a good diet you can simply restrict yourself from gaining further or shedding a few but what about the already stored fat?
In order to get rid of the already stored fat, you need to make a move and that move is exercise. You don’t need to push yourself too hard at the beginning.
You can take a start with some cardio exercises which includes:
  • Running
  • Jogging
  • Jump Roping
  • Swimming
  • Sprinting
  • Cycling
Following are some exercises which are basically for toning up the belly region, however, you just cannot spot reduce the belly fat but these can surely help in flexing abdominal muscles and can give a further boost to your overall efforts of getting rid of belly fat:
  • Crunches
  • Vertical Crunches
  • Vertical Leg Crunches
  • Side Crunches
  • Reverse Crunches
  • Captain’s Chair
  • Lunge Twist
Other Exercises
  • Squats
  • Push-ups
  • Pull-ups
You can also go for the option of strength training as well. Strength training is the best way of losing fat and gaining muscle mass and shaping up the body. However, if you want to limit to some home-based exercises then you can easily for the above-mentioned ones. Organize a workout routine of about 45 minutes daily by mixing and matching different exercises and you will surely lose fat in a very quick period of time.
Now It’s Time to Take Rest
Sleep is very important for overall health and fitness. People who lack sleep or follow unorganized sleeping patterns tend to lose weight less quickly as compared to the ones who follow an organized sleep routine.
Insufficient amount of sleep can lead to so many health-related concerns including sleep-related disorders, slowed metabolism, digestive issues and etc. All such concerns can dent your weight loss journey.
So, follow an organized sleep routine, it is important to take around 6–8 hours of sleep on daily basis.
To close the things in a nutshell, it’s diet, exercise and rest collectively provide great results. You see you just cannot focus on belly region only, you have to get rid of the fat overall, the more you restrict and burn, the more you will be able to lose. So begin your journey right away and witness some positive results in the time to come.