Wednesday, September 5, 2018

How Can I Change My Life in 3 Months

In 3 months you will be amazed at the progress you have made

Here are 4 important steps to take and ensure long-term success.
  1. Start with one change first. Change what you eat.
When you start with one goal at a time you will avoid overwhelming. Too many times we want to change our life all at once.
This usually leads us to get overwhelmed and burned out. Getting burned out leads to going back to old habits. (Which is a failure)
Avoid burn out at all costs.
You can do this by changing what you eat first. Do this before changing your workout habits.
When you lessen the number of processed foods you put into your body, you will see dramatic results.
I remember when I switched from a junk food diet to a whole foods diet, my weight and inflammation plummeted within the first week.
You can do the same.
Change the way you eat by going grocery shopping at the same time and day each week.
After a while, the habit will become automatic. You won't even realize that you are driving or walking to the store.
When you are grocery shopping focus on picking up items like:
  • Kale
  • Onions
  • Sauerkraut
  • Carrots
  • Garlic
  • Lean meats/fish
  • Legumes
  • Nuts/Seeds
  • Brown rice/quinoa/buckwheat
  • Honey/Maple Syrup/Fruits
Once you get into a great rhythm with your diet then you can focus on your workouts.
2. Only do fun workouts
If you dread going to the gym don't go.
Instead, find fun activities that you love doing. This could be:
  • Doing interval training in the park
  • Swinging on the monkey bars and doing pull-ups
  • Walking briskly around your neighborhood
  • Doing in home workouts to your favorite fitness YouTuber
  • Going to an adult dance class and releasing old fears
The possibilities are endless.
Start small like 2 days a week and then gradually work your way up to more intense workouts more frequently.
Common knowledge tells us that a habit takes about 21 days to become ingrained.
Don't believe that.
That number was based on research done by plastic surgeons to see how long it took a person to get used to their new face.
Lifestyle change habits like eating well and working out will take much longer to refine.
Enjoy the process as much as possible.
Learn from your mini failures.
Know that in 3 months you will definitely see change. In a year and beyond you will see the transformation.
3. Create the life you really want
Perhaps you are stuck in a career that you don't love. If you don't love what you do change in 3 months will be harder.
By taking control of your health, you now have the power to change other areas of your life.
I talk in more detail about the 4 important areas of life in The Ultimate Guide to Stop Binge Eating at Night.
If you have struggles like junk food addiction, creating a fulfilling career in conjunction with having a healthier lifestyle will serve you in the long run.
Give yourself the license to start. Even if it means working on your project after your 9–5.
Over time you will gain more confidence. This confidence will manifest into desirable results.
You then will have the power to make the money you need to live the life you truly desire
4. A spiritual/mindful practice will support you in times of struggle
Developing a deep practice will help you overcome your biggest struggles as you change.
Regardless of religion, having a practice will provide stability and connection.
You will learn how to love yourself and others more.
You will express gratitude which will lead to more abundance.
Your transformation will last a lifetime.
You are constantly evolving. By starting to change your diet and exercise routine, you naturally will gravitate to being more grounded.
By being grounded you are more patient and kind. Your relationships will be more powerful.
By changing what you eat, you will change your life.
What is the first step you will take today?
                                                                                                                     Author by-Jerome Huff


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