Protein is an important part of our diet, it’s an essential macronutrient and plays important role in various metabolic cycles, and a primary nutrient to build and maintain muscle mass. Diet plays a vital role to provide protein in the body.
Generally, animal protein is considered to have a good biological value, especially egg.
For vegetarian, there are plant sources to fulfill their requirement and different plants contain different Amino acids, so it’s suggested to consume a variety of all these to get the maximum benefit out of it.
Sprouts are the good source of protein for vegetarians, they not only provide proteins but are rich in vitamins and minerals too. Benefits are
High in Protein
Rich in VitB- keeps your skin hydrated.
Rich in Vit C- It has three-fold VitC than a normal legume.
Rich in Vit E- Good for skin, keeps your skin glowing.
Rich in Iron- Gives you a 5-10% of the daily dose of iron. Good for iron deficiency.
Rich in VitB- keeps your skin hydrated.
Rich in Vit C- It has three-fold VitC than a normal legume.
Rich in Vit E- Good for skin, keeps your skin glowing.
Rich in Iron- Gives you a 5-10% of the daily dose of iron. Good for iron deficiency.
Use these High Protein Sprouts in your diet
Broccoli seeds sprouts- Provides 4 gm of protein per cup, apart from protein, it contains 10 folds more chemoprotective compounds found in broccoli.
Dry Pea Sprouts
Soak dry peas and let it sprout. These are high in protein.
1 cup provides- 10 gm of protein, high in vitamin C and in B-complex vitamins, Inc. They are also a good source of several minerals, including iron, magnesium, manganese, copper, and phosphorus.
Peanut Sprout
I cup of germinated sprouts provides 7 gm of protein and 14 gm of fat.
Germinated Wheat Sprouts
1 cup provides 8 gm of protein, B-complex vitamins, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and selenium. They provide good calories also.
Green Moong Sprouts
Ideal for breakfast provides 5 gm of protein per cup.
Black chana sprouts- Provides 7 gm of protein per cup
Milk and Milk products
Use low-fat milk, low-fat curd and Paneer ( Cottage Cheese)
250 ml of milk will give you- 8 gms of proteins if you are a gymmer than you can consume whey protein post workout.
You can make some homemade protein shake also.
Ingredients for homemade the protein shake
Pea Protein powder- 1 tbsp
Soybean powder- 1 Tsp
Oats grounded- 1tbsp
Skim milk- 1 tbsp
Flaxseed powder- 1 Tsp
Good source of casein protein, an ideal snack for bedtime, as it provides slow releasing proteins in the body which will maintain the protein requirement of the body during the night also.
100gm of paneer provides 19 gm of protein, to add extra protein you can sprinkle sesame seeds on the top.
Not only protein, it also a gut-friendly food.
100gm of curd - 4 gm of protein,
Increase the protein content by adding flaxseed powder to it.
Soy and Products- You can use
Soy milk, tofu, tempeh in moderate amount.
100 gm of Tofu provides you with 10 gm of protein. You can also consume soy in other forms also like roasted nuts, soy nuggets and in curry form.
Legumes- Kidney beans, Black chickpea, soybean. Lentils, chickpea
Green Pea, pea, white beans, flat beans, green beans, asparagus, mushroom, soy nuggets, broccoli, water chestnut.
Some leafy vegetables are good
Bengal gram leaves give you 7 gm of protein per 100 gms are few of the vegetables.
Other sources are curry leaves and drumstick leaves. Moringa powder can be consumed.
In cereals- Red Rice, Quinoa, Black Rice, Brown rice are good sources.
Apart from these if you are doing workouts then you can choose whey protein post workout, as this is a fast absorbing protein and provides protein for muscle synthesis and maintains muscle mass.
Pea Protein - Can be taken as a normal supplement to fulfill the protein requirement of your body.
Spiriluna- Is also a good source of protein, but do not exceed the dosage.
Nuts and seed - Almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, flaxseed are good sources of omega 3 as well as proteins.
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